Parent Governor Election
Published 20/05/22
Dear Parent/Carer,
Following the invitation to apply for the role of Parent Governor, I am pleased to inform you that there are 2 candidates for 1 vacancy on the Governing Board, therefore a secret ballot must be held.
We are using Google Forms to collect your votes and the link to the ballot can be found here:
Google Forms will only allow one vote from each email address and will collect the results anonymously.
You can vote for only one candidate whilst noting that:
• You may not cast more than one vote.
• Parents/guardians/carers with more than one child on roll are not entitled to more votes.
• You may not vote by proxy.
The election process will automatically close at 10am on Friday 10th June 2022.
The election will be decided by a simple majority of votes cast. In the event of a tie, lots will be drawn.
Kind Regards
Sue Littman
Clerk to Governors