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Year 12 Learn to Earn

On Friday 14th July 2017, Year 12 students were off timetable to take part in a programme called ‘Learn to Earn’. The idea of the day was that students would be provided with information on career options to help them to make informed choices about their futures. The day was perfectly timed ahead of the launch of UCAS and their work experience the following week.

Through hands-on fun and practical activities, Learn to Earn explores themes such as:

  • Career choices and the different paths to get there
  • Personal skills and talents
  • Recruitment and job interviews
  • Salary and potential earnings
  • Tax and the costs of living
  • Financial planning and budgeting

Some Year 12 students are set on potential careers they want to follow, whereas others are still undecided. The purpose of the day was to provide them with an insight into their key strengths and weaknesses and how to use this self-awareness as a career compass. Students started the day individually exploring career pathways and assessing the advantages and disadvantages of different routes. They then had time to review the local labour market information to find unfilled vacancies. Students finished the programme by setting goals and creating a plan for their next steps to achieve success, with an understanding of the skills they need to realise their full potential.
The whole day was run by Young Enterprise (not-for-profit business and enterprise education charity in (England & Wales) and it was great to have outside professionals come in to help with the running of the day. It was a fantastic opportunity for our students to network and talk to various people from all walks of life.

Mrs Louise Flisher
Leader for Business Studies and Economics