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You & Me In Beijing - BFSU Summer Camp 2017

The Beijing Summer Camp was most certainly a once in a lifetime opportunity and was not only the highlight of the summer holidays, but also in my lifetime so far.

We were able to visit some amazing places including The Great Wall of China, Tian’Anmen Square, The Forbidden City and the Summer Palace. As well as visiting famous landmarks and tourist sites, our group participated in all of the camp’s fun activities in which we met many people from around the world, who I still talk to daily. On this trip I was also able to experience the wonderful Chinese culture along with their traditions (even communicating with the citizens after learning Mandarin), watching Beijing's famous circus and shopping!

If I could have the chance to do it all over again then I certainly would!

Olivia Rattray

I was lucky to go on this trip to China which involved a selected group of students from the UK representing Great Britain at the 10th Anniversary of the Beijing Summer Camp where seven countries joined together to learn about the Chinese language and culture.

I went on this trip knowing only one person. I was really blown away at how many friends I made from seven different countries and China; my roommate was from Bulgaria.  The hours at Chalfonts learning Mandarin, and while we were there, were worth it. The culture is amazing and the food was incredible. The people were all really nice. The outings to the Great Wall and Tian’ Anmen Square were an unforgettable experience.

Otto Summerell

The trip was an amazing experience that I'll never forget. We made so many friends from both other schools in the UK as well as international friends. The activities really helped me to appreciate the culture more, as well as creating memories that I wouldn't be able to get anywhere else. It was the best kind of trip anyone could do.

Genevieve Dibble