Ski-ing in Andorra

At the crack of dawn 46 Year 10 to 12 students and 6 staff arrived at Heathrow Airport with oversize suitcases and smiling faces. As parents waved them good bye, the first of many challenges awaited us. Firstly, at check-in, where some of us were over the 23kg limit. There was a lot of transferring of clothes amongst a frenzy of laughter and yes, Mr Howard did have the heaviest bag!
Nigel our ski representative greeted us in Barcelona and our next challenge was how to get the oversized suitcases into the coach. With a push and squeeze and all luggage on board, the 3 hour journey to Andorra started. At our destination excited students and staff descended into the 3 star hotel, collecting boots and skis along the way and we then had our first meal together.
After a goods night’s rest we woke up to the most beautiful picturesque scenery, all eager to begin this great experience. We arrived at the ski school where the ski instructors introduced themselves and the first lesson started. Next challenge; how to stay upright without constantly falling down!
The whole week was full of memories, laughter and smiles from all students and staff. Great stories of heroes. ‘Who saved Mrs Byrne from falling off the chair lift?’ ‘Why did we all have problems with chair lifts?’ ‘Did Mr Howard fall?’
At the end of the week the Ski instructors awarded certificates to students with a comment to staff of: ‘You should be very proud of your students they are a credit to your school’.
A big thank-you to Mr Howard and Miss Keitch for arranging the trip. Thanks to Miss Noble for saving Mrs
Byrne’s life, thanks to Mr Quesnell for his singing and Mr Boswell for sharing his sports knowledge. But the
biggest thank you goes to our amazing students, who achieved so many life skills.