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What is Routes into STEM?

Would you like to help your Son/Daughter make well-informed choices about their future study and careers?

Let’s work together to inspire the next generation of Scientists, Engineers and world changers.  

The Engineering Development Trust (EDT) has arranged an insightful local course over the May half term [28th, 29th, 30th], collaborating with; Uxbridge College,  University of Westminster and Bechtel to deliver their Routes into STEM programme. 


What is Routes into STEM? 

Routes is an innovative 3 day course which provides young people aged 13 to 15 (Yr 9 & 10) with an understanding of the amazing opportunities offered by STEM based careers (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).  

The course allows your child to engage with a college, a university and a company who have put together an interesting agenda to showcase STEM courses, apprenticeships, degrees and careers, giving your child the best chance to make informed decisions and to meet role models. 

Day 1:  Uxbridge College – 28th May 2019 

Day 2: University of Westminster – 29th May 2019 

Day 3:  Bechtel  - 30th May 2019 

Benefits include: 

  • Engages all students no matter their academic level 
  • Practical taster sessions of STEM courses at College and University helping with decision making 
  • Visualisation of future STEM career opportunities and how to access them through apprenticeship & graduate schemes 
  • Gaining a bronze industry-led accreditation from Industrial Cadets  (Inspired by HRH The Prince of Wales) 
  • Meet role models 


Course fee, bursaries & other support: The course costs £135 for all 3 days including the Industrial Cadets accreditation fee. No payment is required until the place has been offered.

Pupil Premium (free school meal) students should speak to their teachers for any opportunities for school support available. 

*Bursary places may be available for this course, to check your entitlement please click on the link       on the Application Form and then simply tick the relevant box.


For More Information Contact EDT: or 01707 386 151 

Lunch & Travel Arrangements: Students are responsible for their own travel; we encourage car sharing to fit around your work schedules. Lunch is sometimes provided for the course and this will be confirmed along with all other details in the Course Joining Instructions.


Apply Online: (scroll down to ‘Students’ tab to access application form)