Year 9 Visit Imperial War Museum (10/16)
Sixty Year nine history students took a coach to the Imperial War Museum in London. The whole day was linked to their study of the 20th century and in particular the recent topic of the Cold War.
Sixty Year nine history students took a coach to the Imperial War Museum in London. The whole day was linked to their study of the 20th century and in particular the recent topic of the Cold War. Mr Leybourne produced a student quiz that ensured that the whole of the museum was visited. On the ground floor the First World War centenary exhibition was a popular stopping off point with new exhibitions covering the outbreak of war to its final conclusion with the Treaty of Versailles… with all the gory bits in between.
Up to level one and the Second World War looked at how Britain coped during the Blitz and how the rise of Nazi Germany affected people’s everyday lives. This linked into the Cold War following the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The Holocaust exhibition was not available as large student groups had to attend an IWM briefing as some of the exhibits are very shocking. A few of the groups did manage to view the exhibition after some gentle persuasion by Mr Leybourne. This was a stunning exhibition of a very moving and powerful subject matter. Not for the faint hearted.
The top floor contains a gallery and exhibition of Victoria and George cross medals with individual stories of bravery and valour. All the students deserved a medal as they were impeccably behaved throughout the day and represented the college in the best possible light. A reward of slush puppies was gratefully received by all.
Mr Leybourne, Teacher of History