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2016 Madrid Exhibition (12/16)

The A-level Fine Art and Photography students have produced a huge amount of work in response to their trip to either Madrid or London, which was on display as part of the Sixth Form Open Evening.

The students were inspired by the city they visited to create photographic collections and pieces ranging from refined intricate drawings to bold expressive brushstrokes on a canvas. When all work was grouped together it filled the space with an abundance of variety and colour.

All students made photography boards, which included a grid of a specific theme, a photo of themselves in action on the trip and their best photo. Also, each student was given a number to find somewhere in the city and consequently the room was arranged in number order.

For me the most eye-catching element of the exhibition was the entrance where you were greeted by an array of colour charts, where each group was given a colour to photograph.

Mr Denial gave out prizes in recognition of the hard work and effort and said how impressed he was at the high standard and volume of artistic and creative talent at The Chalfonts Community College. He added that a visit to year 13 Art class inspired his first tweets.

  • Best all round Art – Phoebe Hedges Y13
  • Best all round Photography – Becky Williams Y12
  • Best Photo Grid Art - Lucy Villiers
  • Best Photo/Photography - Charlie Wright
  • Best effort Art - Olivia Rodriguez-Calvo
  • Best effort Photography - Izzy Cockram
  • Best photo grid photography - Charlotte Gilson
  • Best artwork –Natasha Ward

After the success of the exhibition the students are now turning their attention to the written part of their coursework and then creating even more amazing pieces to complete their coursework.

The artworks and photos have been transferred to the Art corridor where you can see them in the flesh or a selection can be viewed on the Art Department website:

Phoebe Hedges, Year 13 Fine Art Student