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Year 12 Students Jam with Iron Maiden Guitarist

Adrian Smith, lead guitarist with Iron Maiden jams with sixth form music students at RnR studios in Uxbridge prior to jetting off for Iron Maiden’s ‘Book Of Souls’ World Tour.

On Friday 31st March Year 12 musicians had their final assessment for their current unit, Session Musician, at the RnR Studios in Uxbridge. The studio had been bought last year by Adrian Smith from the band Iron Maiden and is managed by his son Dylan Smith and co-manager Morgan who both work there as engineers.

The students got down to hard work rehearsing and recording a number of songs. Around 2pm Adrian Smith himself unexpectedly appeared. I encountered Adrian sipping a coffee in the corridor. We had a long chat and he seemed a very down to earth sort of guy. It transpired he bought the studio because he wanted to keep it open for the music communities around the local area and seemed genuinely very caring and nurturing of the talent that came through the doors. 

Not to miss an opportunity of a life time, I asked Adrian if he would like to jam with the students.  He readily agreed and we decided to play Sweet Home Chicago. Adrian began by turning up the distortion on his amp though the song fell apart towards the end as no one was quite sure how it should end. It seemed that everyone, including Adrian, really enjoyed the experience.

Afterwards there were some autograph signing on guitars and photos taken, all done without any fuss and with Adrian happy and chilled throughout. I think it was an incredible once in a lifetime opportunity and I believe the sixth form students really played well, well enough to jam with one of the world’s leading guitarists. I was really proud of them especially as none of them had played the blues before the start of the term and yet here they were jamming with an icon of rock music and playing with style and musicality.  They should be proud of themselves!

Danny Munster, Leader of Music