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Cultural visit to China (08/16)

In July a group of Year 10 and 11 students attended the Beijing Foreign Studies University in China representing the United Kingdom.  Students from many other European countries participated in the 10 day cultural visit. Our students showed great maturity and enthusiasm. They benefitted greatly from the exciting programme and learned a lot about Chinese culture while also undertaking lessons in Mandarin.

In July a group of Year 10 and 11 students attended the Beijing Foreign Studies University in China representing the United Kingdom. Students from many other European countries participated in the 10 day cultural visit. Our students showed great maturity and enthusiasm. They benefitted greatly from the exciting programme and learned a lot about Chinese culture while also undertaking lessons in Mandarin.

Student Account 1 

Where do I begin? There were so many amazing things about this trip! I still can’t believe I had the chance to go to somewhere as unique as China and do all of the awesome things we did.  I was able to form some great long-lasting friendships with the others in my team and experience the magnificence of Beijing together. Also, getting to meet and socialise with the other students from across several different countries was such a delight. I would have never expected to meet and spend time with so many genuinely kind and friendly students from lots of countries like Germany, Bulgaria, South Korea, and Russia. Furthermore, it still shocks me that we had the opportunity to view some of China’s and the world’s most phenomenal landmarks. The Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, the Temple of Heaven, The Summer Palace and of course, The Great Wall of China, are just a handful of the remarkable locations that we were able to visit. I was particularly surprised by the variety of cultural and educational aspects of the trip, which allowed me to appreciate and learn about the culture and lifestyle that exists within China. Through learning Mandarin, dining out at Chinese restaurants and spending a day with Chinese families, I have really been able to view China and its culture in a way I’ve never imagined before. The amount of exciting and engaging activities and lessons scheduled for us each day definitely made the trip so much more fun, and always kept us thrilled for the next day’s activities.

Overall, to anyone considering going on this adventure in the future, I strongly recommend you do; don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I guarantee you will have an extraordinary time. I promise that you will not regret it, as this was an experience I will certainly not forget for the rest of my life, and I am very grateful to the MFL department and the school for offering me this opportunity.

Ethan St. Catherine 11G4

Student Account 2 

The experience I had in China was something unimaginable. Going to a different country on the other side of the world was at first scary, however, it all changed very quickly. From the first moment we got to China we were introduced to so many amazing people. It was not just a tourist experience, there was so much more. We were constantly surrounded by different countries’ cultures. All of us have made friendships that will last a lifetime and span over the world. We have overcome difficulties that push us forward in life such as resilience on the Great Wall to reach the top and through harsh heat and rain in Tiananmen Square along with teamwork, friendship and respect.  The most important thing that I believe we have conquered is being able to be independent on the trip, having to live by yourself with no help from parents. All of this prepares you for what lies ahead. By the end of this trip we walked out with certificates and qualifications. It was not just looking at tourist sites; it was building you into a person who will contribute something to society. I will never forget China, I will never forget the friends I made and I will never forget the memories it gave me.

Remi Arora 

Student Account 3

The trip to China was amazing. I made lots of friends from all over the world. It was really good to meet so many people from different countries and learn about their life styles. I was really impressed with the Great Wall of China; it is so majestic. I hope it will be well preserved so future generations will be able to enjoy the scenery as much as I did. I really recommend other students to sign up for this trip next year. I can't really put in words how good it was. You have to experience it yourself!

 Raphael Allen 11k1