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Student Wellbeing

At The Chalfonts Community College we recognise that it is important to develop the 'whole child' and ensure that their health and well-being are supported effectively throughout their time at the College. 

We aim to cater to each child's needs as they develop into young men and women. This includes advice and guidance with progression post-16 and careers; the delivery of Personal, Social and Health Education and leadership opportunities.

Health & Well-Being

The Chalfonts Community College understands that it has a responsibility to welcome and support students with medical conditions, or medical needs who currently attend or receive services now or in the future. 

We aim to enable students with medical conditions to gain maximum benefit from their education by engaging with the full curriculum and extra curriculum opportunities. To do this we work with parents/carers and other health professionals:

  • To identify individual student’s needs and discuss how these can best be met within the college environment.
  • To support and encourage students to manage their own health within a supportive environment.
  • To provide privacy and space for students who need it.
  • To keep daily records, with details, of students who attend the Medical room
  • To keep relevant staff informed of students’ medical needs.
  • To inform staff leading activities and trips of individual students medical needs.

It is parents/carers responsibility to ensure that:

  • We are kept up-to-date with students’ health and medical needs, changes to medication etc.
  • We are informed about changes in their contact details so that we can contact you during the day if necessary.
  • There is an emergency contingency plan to collect students, should the need arise, and parents/carers are not available.
Returning to School on Crutches

If a student is issued with crutches, after an accident or operation, please contact the Medical Administrator so that appropriate support can be arranged. For the safety of everyone, students using crutches are not allowed to use any stairs and must be accompanied by a member of staff in lifts.  See below for further information.

Medical Health Care Plans

If a student has a diagnosed medical condition parents/carers will be asked to complete a Medical Health Care Plan, supported by medical evidence, advising us how best to care for the student in college. These are reviewed annually or if there are any significant changes.

NHS Immunisation Programme

We work with the NHS Community Nurses to ensure students are offered vaccinations, as appropriate to their ages, as part of the National Immunisation programme.

Medical Administrator/First Aider/Lost Property

The Medical Administrator leads in any issues relating to students medical conditions, accidents and lost property. She is based in the Medical room near Reception and can be contacted from 8.30am to 3.00pm.

Useful Websites

Youth Information Sites:
Health Issues:
Housing Issues:
Money Issues:



Volunteering England - An independent voluntary agency committed to supporting, enabling and celebrating volunteering in all its diversity.