September 2019 Yr7 Admissions

Welcome to all new Year 7 pupils and their parents!
Transferring from Primary to Secondary School can be an unsettling time for both pupils and their families. I hope that the programme of events that we have organised will give you all the opportunity to feel confident about changing schools, and to look forward to a new and exciting start
As a reminder for key information, please click on the link to see the PowerPoints discussed at the Year 6 Transition events.
Mrs Joanna Adkins
Assistant Principal - Key Stage 3
Key Dates
Year 7 Induction Day -
All our Year 7 pupils start a day earlier than the rest of the school in September 2019- this is our Year 7 Induction Day and will take place on Tuesday September 3rd 2019. Parents are invited to join us for a cup of tea/coffee, as we firmly believe having a three-way partnership between the student, school and family, brings the optimum outcomes for our students.
Induction day, gives us more of an opportunity to get to know the new students, and it will enable the pupils to find their way around when the school is not quite so busy. Much of the day will be spent with the Form Tutor getting organised for the new term however learning and teaching will commence after morning break. The school day will finish at 3.05pm, when students will be guided to the buses/parents via the tennis court area.
Year 7 Midys Testing-
To enhance the information, we have already gained from the primary school visits, Midys Testing will take place on Monday 16th and Tuesday 24th September 2019. There is no preparation needed.
Year 7 Team Building Trip-
To help our students to get to know their peers, we will be running a two-day team building event at the Hillingdon Outdoor Activity Centre. This will take place on Tuesday 1st October and Wednesday 2nd October 2019. The year group will be split into 2 halves each attending one of the days of activities. The year 7 Year Leader will provide more information about this event in September 2019.
Year 7 Parents Consultation Day-
To provide an early opportunity for discussion, students, parents and form tutors will have a 15-minute consultation period on Friday 22nd November 2019. This will provide the opportunity to discuss how the student has settled, their attendance, and their general attitude to leaning. Academic reports will have been issued by this date and they will be discussed as an overview, but individual subject teachers will be available at the Parents Evening later in the year.
Year 7 Parents Evening-
Subject Teachers will be available to discuss the progress and attitude to learning of your child on Thursday 26th March 2020.
Further opportunities for communication throughout the year -
Tutors, Year Leaders and members of the Senior Leadership Team are available for communication at any point.
The Attendance Officers will be in regular contact, if a student is not in College and we have not received a voice mail on the day. Safeguarding is our priority but we also know that student’s outcomes correlate closely to school attendance.
College reports will be issued three times a year; November 2019, March and July 2020. These reports will reflect a student’s attitude to learning as well as their academic achievement. We believe at The Chalfonts Community College that if a students’ attitude to learning is Outstanding at KS3 then it will bring Outstanding outcomes at KS4 and KS5. For a small number of parents, further invites to Progress Meetings on Tuesday November 26th 2019 and Tuesday 21st April 2020 will take place, if students appears to be struggling to achieve the expected attitude to learning. This will be by invite only.
Attendance percentages, which we hope will be above 98%, will be available on the reports as will the total positive achievement points. Negative behaviour points will also be noted so appropriate discussions can take place.
See you all on Tuesday!