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British Petroleum, Fuelling Innovation

Bringing the ‘World of Work’ into school is such an important part of the employability remit and I was delighted to be able to organise a visit by 2 BP employees. 

We had a Petro Physicist and a Subsea Engineer who talked to sixth formers about life in the energy industry.  Two lessons were delivered about the cycle of oil, from exploration to refining and selling.  They then shared information at another session with students about the types of roles within BP.  The students were incredibly engaged throughout the lessons and asked some pointed questions.  I really do hope that this visit helped to inspire them.

Here are some words from one of the attendees:

The visit by the BP employees gave the students a unique insight into an area of geography they’ve already studied and provided a view as to what is achievable with a geography qualification. The presentation was valuable, teaching us about both upstream and downstream management of oil, one of the world’s most precious yet controversial resources. They also talked about how BP as a company is evolving and funding more and more renewable energy research, predicting that in 30 years that our dependence on fossil fuels will have halved.  Following the talk they gave students information about the amazing apprenticeship scheme available through the company, which gave students an understanding of career paths needed to becoming a BP employee.

Charlie Harper