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Year 11 Employability Day (10/16)

On Wednesday 12th October Yr11 students were off timetable all day to experience an Employability Skills Day.  Students spent time in the main hall talking to individuals representing a variety of professions ranging from catering & hospitality, retail, engineering, the armed forces, the fire brigade, travel, banking, filmmaking, the music industry and more.

On Wednesday 12th October Yr11 students were off timetable all day to experience an Employability Skills Day.  Students spent time in the main hall talking to individuals representing a variety of professions ranging from catering & hospitality, retail, engineering, the armed forces, the fire brigade, travel, banking, filmmaking, the music industry and more.

Students chose to attend four workshops from a list of twelve which included an Introduction to Apprenticeships, First Impressions, Working in the Creative Media Sector, Careers in the Stem subjects, Going to University, Interviewing Skills….

Students also experienced a 1:1 interview with a professional from outside The College. 

The Employability Skills Day is a great opportunity for our students to broaden their knowledge and horizons, inspire them and further build their confidence. We are also hoping it will assist our young people to make well informed decisions about their futures.  The students took full advantage of the day and were excellent ambassadors for our school! 

The College would like to thank all the professionals who represented their field, those who delivered our workshops and our parents who volunteered to interview our students. Without their time and expertise the day would not have been possible.

Andrea Gilbey, Learning Resource Manager