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D of E Gold Trip to Poland (08/16)

On the final week of the summer term, Mr Pinho and I accompanied a brave bunch of Year 12s and 13s to the Tatras Mountains in Poland and Slovakia to complete the qualifying expedition for the Duke of Edinburgh Gold award.

On the final week of the summer term, Mr Pinho and I accompanied a brave bunch of Year 12s and 13s to the Tatras Mountains in Poland and Slovakia to complete the qualifying expedition for the Duke of Edinburgh Gold award. The group drew on their experiences from the Peak District challenge earlier in the year where they camped in extremely cold temperatures and walked in wind, thunder, lightning and snow. This didn’t mean that they found the Tatras any easier!

During four days of trekking the group clambered to altitudes of 2,500 meters staying in the highest mountain hut in the Tatras and withstood the most relentless two days of rain that I have ever experienced. However, amongst the challenges we were greeted with the most beautiful views (when the rain lifted) and I think that I can safely say the experience has proven what well rounded and determined individuals they all are. I am extremely proud of each of them for what they have achieved and hope that the memories will last a lifetime, once the blisters have healed.

Harriet Young, Teacher of Design & Technology