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Visit to the Somme (10/16)

The English department and 44 students from Years 11 to 13 went to visit the Somme area of France during half term to support the students' understanding of the context of World War One literature.

The English department and 44 students from Years 11 to 13 went to visit the Somme area of France during half term to support the students' understanding of the context of World War One literature.

It was a moving trip for staff and students alike. We visited the site where the poet Wilfred Owen lost his life days before the end of the war, paying our respects at his grave and the graves of countless other soldiers who lost their lives in the fields of France. 

Thiepval memorial provided time for us to reflect on the number of soldiers who were lost and never given a known resting place.  We found the Buckinghamshire section and one student found the name of a relative.

Time at the Newfoundland Park Memorial allowed us to see what remains of some sections of trench 100 years on.

Our final stop of the trip was at the Vimy Ridge Memorial; an imposing peaceful memorial that brought our expedition to an end.

The students were fantastic ambassadors for the college during the trip - they were respectful and engaged throughout. Staff were impressed by the questions they asked and how maturely they approached the weekend.

Catherine Caccaviello, Leader of English