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Year 11 Sixth Form Taster Day

On Thursday 2nd February, 185 students from Year 11 took part in a 6th Form Taster Day.  They attended lessons in the sixth form, trying out 5 different subjects to assist them in making their post 16 choices.

Comments from the feedback forms included the words ‘fun, interactive, informative, enjoyable, interesting and well presented.  Some of the other comments were:

  • “The classes were interesting and allowed me to get an insight into what they would be like”
  • “Mrs Flisher talked us through what we would be doing throughout the 2 years and what the exams would consist of, as well as when we would do them; it was really helpful”
  •  “The lessons were informative and allowed me to make decisions about my plans for next year”
  • “History felt like a very realistic experience of what a sixth form lesson would include and was deeply interesting.  English was intense and exciting.”
  • “I really enjoyed the Taster day and it gave me an insight into life in the sixth form”
  •  “Engineering involved a glider flight simulator and it was extremely interesting to understand how it worked.  Mr Giles was energetic and positive.”
  • “As Psychology was a new subject for me it was really interesting to learn something new; Mr Way was really passionate about it”
  • “Photography – very helpful and fun - good information included”
  • “In both Music and Art there was a detailed breakdown of what the courses consist of.  In both Art and Performing Arts we had a practical taster of the kind of activities we’d experience doing these courses.  Overall they were eye opening and helpful”.
  • “I took Music, IT, Computing and Maths. The course presentations were intriguing and I was well informed about what they entailed.  They all looked interesting and exciting and the teachers showed interest in the subjects themselves, which makes me believe they would be taught well.”

Well done to all the staff and students who worked hard to make the day a success.

The next step in the 6th Form application process is a Year 11 Progression Evening on Thursday March 2nd.  You will receive a letter soon inviting both you and your son/daughter to an interview where we can discuss plans for their post 16 education.

Mr Way, Leader for Sixth Form