Yr8 Options Information

At the start of this half term we launched the Options process for all Year 8 students with an introductory briefing and an informed presentation in assembly by Adviza, National Careers Guidance. Students are being encouraged to speak to parents, their subject teachers, tutors and other students at the school about making their option choices.
English Baccalaureate - The Government strongly recommends that all students take a Modern Foreign Language together with either History or Geography at GCSE level. In line with this we expect students to study at least one of these subjects.
The options process will be completed online:
Please use the login details from your SIMS Parent App. We use the SIMS Parent App to keep the data we hold up to date. If you require an invitation for this, please contact the school office.
Instructions for the SIMS Parents App can be found here:
Our updated prospectus is now available online, which will give you and your child more information about each of the courses on offer. Paper copies are available upon request.
Prospectus: Click here
Usually there are about 20 students who need to choose another option. This is done in consultation with your son/daughter and is the reason why we ask for two reserve choices. Please be aware that we will not run a course if too few students opt for it, and that we will ask teaching staff for their professional view as to suitability for a course.
Number of Options
Students will make 4 option choices. 1 x Ebacc subject and then 3 further options.
Students are not currently set in Year 8. At the end of the first term in Year 9 students will be set. Sets 1 & 2 will form a Triple Science (Separate Science) groups and sets 3-5 will be studying Combined Science. Science does not take up one of your options. Both separate science and combined science are taught in the normal timetabled lessons.