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Moving on: Reading List

Below is a document showing a Recommended Reading List for Year 6 into 7 students, that we think you will enjoy reading. They are available in the School Learning Resource Centre, in bookshops or from local libraries.

Some books (*) are also available in eBook format.

We would like you to use this list during the summer to read at least one of the books or hopefully more during the holidays. You can, of course, read other books by the same author on this list. We look forward to talking about them with you when you arrive at school in September.

We really enjoy receiving recommendations from students, so if we do not have your favourite book, please let us know and we may be able to buy it for the Learning Resource Centre.

For your information you will be given time during lessons to visit the Learning Resource Centre once a week and you will also need a fiction book to read during registration periods.

We hope that you enjoy the stories you choose to read and we look forward to meeting you in September when you become a member of our Learning Resource Centre.