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Labour Market Information (LMI)

About Labour Market Information (LMI)

Labour Market Information (LMI) can be really helpful for parent and students to understand the local job market.  The presentation below entitled ‘Understanding the local job market for students’ is an example of information included in this:

  • Which Sectors in Buckinghamshire employ the most people
  • Jobs in the highest demand
  • Large and smaller local employees
  • Growing industry areas
  • Areas of the economy that Buckinghamshire specialise in
  • What young people can do to boost their job prospects

This information can be extremely useful when students are making GCSE and A Level option choices. 

Useful websites

The LMI for All portal provides high quality, reliable labour market information (LMI) to inform careers decisions.

‘We live in confusing times, and that can make it harder to plan for the future. But there are some things we are certain about. We live in a post-Covid facing drastic environmental changes and rapid technological change.’  To read more about the Future of Work, post CovidWhere Are The Job Opportunities For Young People?

The National Careers Service provides excellent information about a wider variety of job roles.

Buckinghamshire Business First – explore in detail what the job market is like on your doorstep.